What To Expect from AI in 2024: Some Huge Predictions!

6 min readJan 6, 2024


A futuristic City in outer space

As we step into the technological frontier of 2024, the year promises to be a transformative period marked by significant advancements in various domains. From the evolution of AI assistants tailored to individual needs to breakthroughs in video generation, education, healthcare, gaming, and the rise of AI influencers, this article explores the multifaceted landscape of technology. Additionally, the year is poised to witness the dominance of XR technologies, Apple’s foray into AI, and the persistent debates surrounding open-source versus closed-source models.

Let’s delve into the details of what 2024 has in store for the tech enthusiasts and industry alike.

AI Assistants: A Personalized Touch

The year 2024 is heralded as the era of AI assistants, where large language models and chatbots evolve to understand users on a more personal level. These assistants will be finely tuned to our unique preferences, past interactions, and specific niche interests. The integration of AI into daily activities, ranging from managing calendars to responding to emails, will streamline tasks and make the user experience more cohesive. Whether aiding in content creation or mimicking user styles, AI assistants like Gemini, Chat GPT, and next-gen models aim to revolutionize the way we interact with technology.

Video Generation: Unveiling Realism

AI video generation is on the cusp of a significant leap in 2024, building on the explosive developments witnessed in the previous year. The quality of AI-generated videos is poised to reach new heights, blurring the lines between AI and conventionally shot footage. The progression in generative video technology, as seen in the exponential curve of 2023, hints at a future where AI-generated content seamlessly integrates with human-created visuals.

Expect longer video generations and improved quality, although a 30-minute AI-generated episode might still be a stretch for 2024.

AI & Education: Personalized Learning

Education is set to undergo a transformative journey in 2024, with AI playing a pivotal role in personalized learning experiences. Moving away from the one-size-fits-all approach, AI will function as a mentor, adapting teaching styles to cater to individual learning preferences. Visual learners might engage with AI bots using more videos and images, while those inclined towards auditory learning will receive information accordingly.

Bill Gates’ vision of AI bringing personalized tutors to every student seems closer to reality, with tools aligning with regional curriculums and tailoring content to individual needs.

AI & Healthcare: Revolutionizing Diagnoses and Discoveries

The greatest strides in AI for humanity are anticipated in the healthcare sector in 2024. Computer vision and diffusion models will facilitate quicker and more accurate medical diagnoses. The abundance of medical information integrated into large language models will empower healthcare practitioners to obtain precise diagnoses based on comprehensive data. AI’s prowess will extend to drug discovery, leveraging correlations in vast datasets to unveil new treatments and vaccines.

While the market might not see an immediate influx of new drugs in 2024, the groundwork for accelerated drug development and discovery is set to make headlines.

Gaming: AI NPCs and Democratization

Gaming experiences are poised for a revolution with the advent of AI NPCs. Conversations with characters in video games will become unique and dynamic, offering players personalized interactions driven by large language models. Simultaneously, AI-generated game art will expedite game development for companies adept at leveraging these tools.

However, the democratization of AI game creation may lead to an influx of subpar games flooding platforms, presenting both opportunities and challenges for the gaming industry.

AI Influencers: Rise of the Artificial Persona

AI influencers are expected to proliferate in 2024, fueled by advancements in AI art image generators and realistic AI-generated videos. The ability to create consistent AI-generated characters makes it easier for individuals to become influencers, capitalizing on partnerships, sponsorships, and monetization avenues. The emergence of AI models like Itana, earning substantial income through AI-generated content, underscores the growing trend of artificial personas influencing digital landscapes.

Robotics & Self-Driving Vehicles: A Leap Forward

The robotics landscape is set to expand in 2024, with humanoid walking robots and specialized robots like LG’s two-legged pet watcher entering the scene. Self-driving vehicles, particularly from companies like Waymo and Cruise, are expected to reach new heights of reliability and performance. The integration of AI in robotics is anticipated to lead to the replacement of certain jobs, starting with dangerous and low-skill occupations.

The year is poised to witness a significant leap in autonomous technologies and robotic applications.

Open-Source Vs. Closed-Source: Debates and Developments

The perennial debate between open-source and closed-source large language models continues in 2024. Closed-source models, despite being perceived as safer due to controlled access, raise concerns about biases and data privacy. On the other hand, open-source models empower developers but come with the risk of misuse.

The year may see advancements in open-source models, with Mistol AI announcing plans to release an open-source model comparable to GPT-4. The tug-of-war between safeguarding against misuse and promoting accessibility is likely to persist.

The US Elections: Battleground for AI Manipulation

As the US enters an election year, concerns about AI-generated fake content and deepfakes influencing public perception are amplified. The potential for AI to create fake images, videos, and voice clones of political candidates poses a significant challenge for discerning truth during elections.

Preemptive measures, as seen with Google limiting election-related queries on its AI tools, highlight the urgency to address AI manipulation in political contexts. The need for regulatory frameworks and technological safeguards to combat AI-driven misinformation remains a critical aspect of navigating elections in 2024.

The Year of XR: Apple’s Vision and Meta’s Quest

XR technologies, encompassing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), are poised to take center stage in 2024. The launch of Apple’s Vision Pro and Meta’s Quest 3 signals a new era of immersive experiences. The appeal of these technologies, coupled with advancements in form factor and affordability, is expected to drive widespread adoption.

The year 2024 might witness a surge in AR and VR applications, with consumers exploring alternatives beyond high-end VR headsets like the Apple Vision Pro.

Apple Goes All-In on AI: Siri’s Evolution and Vision Pro Features

Apple is anticipated to make significant strides in AI during 2024. The introduction of a new Siri model, potentially competing with GPT-3.5 or GPT-4, is on the horizon. The Apple Vision Pro is expected to incorporate various AI features, enhancing the user experience with generative AI directly within the headset.

As Apple intensifies its focus on AI, the technological landscape may witness new benchmarks in user interaction and device capabilities.

Lawsuits & Copyright Law: The Battle Over AI-Generated Content

The intersection of AI and copyright law is poised to be a battleground in 2024. AI tools like Chat GPT present challenges to traditional media outlets, leading to an escalation in lawsuits. The struggle to protect existing business models collides with the inevitability of AI advancements.

The year may see an uptick in legal battles as companies attempt to safeguard their interests, raising questions about the adequacy of current copyright laws in the AI era. Balancing the need for copyright protection with fostering innovation and open access remains a complex challenge.

Conclusion: Navigating the Uncharted Territories

As we traverse the uncharted territories of 2024, the interplay between technological marvels and ethical considerations underscores the need for a thoughtful approach. The promises of AI, XR, and other innovations bring unprecedented opportunities, yet the legal and societal implications demand careful navigation. Whether it’s the democratization of AI in gaming, the rise of AI influencers, or the profound impact on healthcare, 2024 is set to be a year where human ingenuity and artificial intelligence converge.

In the quest for progress, finding a harmonious balance between innovation and responsibility will be key. As the tech landscape evolves, so must our understanding of its implications on society, privacy, and creativity. The journey into 2024 is an odyssey that beckons both excitement and reflection, urging us to navigate with a discerning eye and an open mind.

This article was Originally Published on AIFocussed.com, Be sure to check it out 😉

